Silence Between Songs was a beautifully crafted album. Madison Beer released a new album on September 15th with 14 songs talking about her childhood and her rise to fame. The lyrics represent how in her younger years, she felt very pressured to always be perfect for fitting so many of the beauty standards at the time so, she felt as if she didn’t experience her childhood years to the fullest. In an interview with Billboard, Beer said, “I got started really young doing this, and I feel like I’ve had a very busy 12 years or so in the industry and I kind of convinced myself that the moments where I was making music and when I was on tour and when I was my busiest was when I was growing. As I’ve gotten a little bit older, I realized it’s actually been the moments that I’ve been able to tune out the noise and I’ve been able to be alone, really reflect and be more isolated are where I’ve grown the most. So, it’s the silence between songs and when the noise is turned off is when I feel like I’ve learned who I am the most.”
The song “17” truly encapsulates the whole album, how she was put under so many expectations at 17 for being popular and pretty at the time. The chorus states how she never had the opportunity to sit and really experience childhood and the innocence of it. “All my life I’ve never had the chance to stop and smell the flowers all this time, I never got to sit and dream away the hours.”
The track “Ryder” is another song about her childhood. The song is named after her younger brother, Ryder Beer, and expresses how they both suffered during their parents’ divorce. In the song, we hear the lyrics trying to comfort somebody which we can infer is her brother. “Just two kids caught in the crossfire close your eyes, I know you’re so tired, just kids, you and I, I know it’s hard sometimes but you’ll be alright, we’ll be alright.”