Hornets Basketball on the Up and Up Again
The Girls Basketball team in action.
December 29, 2021
The Girls and Boys Basketball seasons have kicked off to a terrific start. Given last year’s COVID-19 restrictions and the overall sports regulations, fans are excited they can now return to the games.
“The one major difference is that we get to have many more games than last year, and that there will actually be fans in the stands this year,” said sophomore varsity player Brendan Savage.
COVID-19 restrictions limited the amount of people in the stands the year prior, but now with restrictions loosened, support for South’s basketball teams are imperative, so make sure to show up and show support for our school!
Beyond the re-emergence of fans on the bleachers, there has been an overall uptake in team morale. As junior girls’ varsity player Sedra Alkhudari said, “There is a lot more energy which motivates us to win more this year, along with new talent and more people on the freshman team.” The atmosphere of the post-COVID restrictions are not only exciting just for the games, but the fact that this season gets to be far more customary than last year’s.
Rey Nwakudu remarked, “The best part is creating new relationships with people who I didn’t know until this year.”
That being said, Hornets, make sure to go out and support our basketball teams in their upcoming games.