1947- 2020, How One Day Still Changes Baseball

Photo Courtesy of Cowles Communications

Annika Nicol, Sports Editor

On Friday, August 28 the entirety of the Major League Baseball organization honored Jackie Robinson, the first African American to enter professional baseball during segregation, by having all players’ sport number as 42 on their jerseys. Though the history behind the life changing era of Robinson’s career is dark, his legacy lives on and remains in the hearts of all players. 


The idea of baseball was altered on April 15, 1947 when Robinson first trotted onto the field in a Brooklyn Dodgers uniform. His rookie season with the Dodgers ended with his outstanding performance being awarded with National Rookie of the Year. Further into his career, Robinson collected recognitions for National League’s Most Valuable Player of the Year and was finally inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1962. 


Robinson’s reign was filled to the brim with triumphs and achievements, but it also included prejudice and the wrath of segregation. He succeeded even with enduring the constant judgement of fans and the media. A recent article published in the Sun- Times about ninety-two year old announcer Vin Scully recalls the brutal actions Robinson had to face from the general public. 


“It was so painful to see for so long. It would make you shudder,’” said Scully. Remembering harsh tolls segregation took on so many African Americans can never be forgotten.


The MLB honoring Jackie Robinson and his debut officially means times have changed. America sees Robinson in a different light, a historical figure that altered baseball for the better.