Thanksgiving break offers a brief escape from stress by being able to spend time with family, good food, and Black Friday shopping. But once the holiday ends, students dread the Monday they return to reality, when school hits harder than ever.
In the three weeks leading up to finals, teachers rush to finish their lesson plans, cramming in pop quizzes, homework assignments, and projects. At the same time final grades are being calculated, leaving students scrambling to improve their grades before finals. It is a frantic act of keeping up with rapid lessons while preparing for the tests that can make or break a GPA.
This period is not just tough academically; it’s mentally draining. The pressure to maintain or boost grades leaves many students feeling burnt out within days. The stress only increases for those juggling extracurriculars, sports, or family commitments.
Some tips to overcome this difficult time may include studying with peers and or going to the library to have a quiet workplace. It is also recommended to take breaks in between study sessions to prevent getting burnt out.
Though Thanksgiving break may be short-lived, it provides a great chance to regroup before finals. By staying organized, setting priorities, having well rounded plans, and avoiding procrastination, students can easily survive these chaotic weeks. With the right strategies, students can hopefully not only maintain their desired grades, but their own sanity as well.