The animated comedy film Kung Fu Panda 4 has just been released on March 8th, 2024. Kung Fu Panda, a movie franchise, follows the story of Po who is just a clumsy orphan panda, taken in by a duck that loves making noodles, but aspires to be a Kung Fu legend. He is chosen to become the Dragon Warrior and protect his home, The Valley of Peace, alongside his friends, The Furious Five. Throughout all three movies, he struggles with his self identity and tries to find ways to embrace himself while also learning valuable lessons and becoming a better fighter. In the third movie, we see more of a reconnection with family when he finally reunites with his long lost father and has to lead a village of pandas to victory.
The new release of Kung Fu Panda 4 continues these messages about embracing oneself and the importance of doing the right thing. This movie includes many recurring ideas and people that all connect together when Po goes on his last journey as the Dragon Warrior to defeat The Chameleon, a shape shifting sorcerer, who has a strong desire to steal the Kung Fu powers of those locked in the spirit realm. Po also needs to find a successor to be the next Dragon Warrior because he has a new job, to protect the spirit realm with the staff that Oogway has passed on to him. This movie is filled with comedy, suspense, and twists that will surprise you, while also teaching about the act of doing the right thing and friendship. We recommend that you try to watch this humorous and action packed movie, or the first three if you haven’t already seen them!