Hinsdale South has a variety of clubs, activities, and extracurriculars. However, a key subject is disregarded in these areas: Fashion. Fashion plays such an important role in our society. Having style gives you a significant advantage in many situations: Job interviews, making friends, dating, and building your overall self-image. Hinsdale South continuously stresses the importance of preparing their students for the future and creating success, so why does fashion get left out of the equation?
There is heavy student support for the creation of a fashion club. I sent out a survey that had 90 responses. A quarter of those students said they would be interested in joining a fashion club. When asked the question: “Is fashion important to you?”, people presented a variety of answers: “Fashion is an extension of creativity and confidence, and I like trying new clothes and styles simply because it is fun.” Other students explained that fashion gives them “a way to express” themselves. Another student mentioned that fashion “gives you a sense of what people are like.”
Also, 50% of the students at Hinsdale South said they think about their outfit choices at least twice a day. So why is something that takes up their minds each day not being talked about? Why isn’t there a fashion club at Hinsdale South? It’s apparent that many students are intrigued and want to learn more. The answer is simple; No one is taking the initiative to go out and start this club.
I believe that fashion is such a fundamental part of our lives, and using the data I’ve collected, it’s clear that many Hinsdale South students share a similar perspective. We should have a way for students to express this belief by finalizing the start of a fashion club.